Psychological health

Eating disorder...a sign that helps diagnose psychological disorders


In the world of mental health, eating disorders are not just issues related to food and weight, but rather symptoms that reflect deeper complexities in the psychological state, which may reveal fundamental challenges in self-esteem and emotional control.
So, in this article, we will show you how eating disorders can be a sign that helps diagnose psychological disorders, and the necessity of identifying them early to provide optimal treatment.

What is the concept of eating disorders?
Eating disorders are a mental health condition characterized by unhealthy eating behaviors that negatively affect a person's physical and psychological health. These disorders include a group of eating-related behaviors, which range from eating excessively to abstaining from food excessively.
A study, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association in 2013, showed that eating disorders have a significant impact on physical health, and confirmed that eating disorders can cause emotional distress and major medical complications, and contribute to a higher mortality rate than any other study. Another psychological disorder.

What are the forms of eating disorders?
There are many types of eating disorders, each with their own specific characteristics and diagnostic criteria, but the eating disorders officially recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders mentioned in the previous paragraph include:
Bulimia Eating Disorder: The most common eating disorder, it is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, which is defined as consuming a large amount of food accompanied by a feeling of loss of control.
Anorexia Nervosa: It is characterized by severe food restriction resulting from an intense fear of gaining weight and an excessive desire to be thin, leading to a dangerously low body weight.
Bulimia Nervosa: Characterized by recurrent episodes of binging followed by behaviors to avoid weight gain such as forced vomiting, fasting, or excessive exercise.

How can eating disorders in their various forms be a sign that helps diagnose psychological disorders?
Eating disorders can be helpful signs in diagnosing psychological disorders because they are often linked to other psychological problems. A study aimed to address the challenges in understanding and treating eating disorders, including new studies, innovative treatment methods, and public health initiatives. The study also stressed the need to examine How eating disorders interact within the body, and explore effective methods of treatment.
Eating disorders can appear as a result of the following psychological disorders:

1- Mood swings
Eating disorders are often associated with mood swings. These people may find food as a way to relieve negative feelings, which can appear in the form of emotional eating, where food is used as a means to escape from feelings such as: sadness, loneliness, and stress. In these cases, food is a temporary pain reliever, creating a state of dependence on food to deal with emotions.
2- Depression
People with depression may resort to different behaviors in an attempt to cope with these challenges. These behaviors include food deprivation or overeating.
For example: There is a strong association between depression and bulimia nervosa, with 70.7% of people with bulimia nervosa also being diagnosed with depression.

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